
Sunday, April 21, 2013

oh my!

Oh My! I seem to have given up on blogging huh? Almost a year ago since I last posted , and there is much to say about the past year.
I haven´t hardly taken ANY photos :o It´s rediculous! But never too late to get going again :)
I´m thinking it requires for me to blog to be motivated sometimes. So I have something to take the photos for ;) 
Same with blogging. To blog, I need photos :)
But not today. And no updates on the past year right now either. This is just a post just to post :)

by the way.. I´m pondering to start a blog in Swedish too.. I would keep this one for updating my dear family and friends that don´t read Swedish, if they would like to.I don´t want anyone to feel "left out".
That is all for today. Good Night and see you soon :)

love Dana

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